Sunday 19 August 2012

Life brings you down

Sometimes I wonder if I disappeared for a day would anyone realise that I was gone? I feel as if I really annoy people sometimes. Anyway I want to thank the Farm : ZhiXin, Tanyl, Li Hui, Sherelyn and Julian for putting up with my nonsense and my rage and whatever other things I may say. I must definitely thank Zoey for being there for me and caring for me. Oh Jeremy and Ashwath, thanks for being really good friends and joking around, making everything much better. For everyone who cares, thanks and I am really sorry if I have done anythimg horrible to you. I really regret it, A LOT.

Friday 17 August 2012

You know when sometimes you just feel down? Yeah today is one of those days. I have learnt that some friends will be there for you need then and other won't. Well, I am sorry about what I said to you. Honestly, that is what I really think and it annoys me A LOT. Anyway I will be a better person from now on.